Exercises After Mastectomy or Breast Reconstruction

| Advanced Physiotherapy
Exercises After Mastectomy or Breast Reconstruction

Learn about the importance of exercises after mastectomy or breast reconstruction and how they can help regain shoulder and arm movement. Arunalaya Advanced Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Patel Nagar, Delhi, offers specialized rehabilitation programs to aid in the recovery process.

Surgery for breast cancer, including mastectomy and breast reconstruction, can affect the movement and function of the shoulder and arm. To address these side effects and regain mobility, it is crucial to engage in post-surgery exercises. Arunalaya Advanced Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Patel Nagar, Delhi, provides specialized rehabilitation services to assist individuals in their recovery journey. This blog will guide you through exercises that can help improve shoulder and arm movement after mastectomy or breast reconstruction.

Importance of Exercises After Surgery:
Regardless of the type of breast cancer surgery, exercising the affected arm and shoulder is essential for reducing pain, stiffness, and weakness. Exercises help restore range of motion, improve functional abilities, and enhance overall quality of life. Even after radiation treatment, maintaining arm and shoulder flexibility remains crucial.

Guidelines for Exercises:
Before beginning the exercises, keep the following guidelines in mind:

1. Expect Tightness: It is normal to experience tightness in the chest and armpit areas post-surgery. However, this tightness should gradually decrease as you perform your exercises.

2. Nerve Irritation: Many women may feel burning, tingling, numbness, or soreness on the back of the arm and chest wall due to surgery-related nerve irritation.

3. Deep Breathing: Remember to take deep breaths while doing the exercises to promote relaxation and relieve discomfort.

4. Monitor Swelling: If you notice unusual swelling or tenderness, consult your doctor.

Exercises for Shoulder and Arm:

1. Backward Shoulder Rolls: Perform gentle backward shoulder rolls to improve shoulder mobility and reduce stiffness.

2. Shoulder Wings: Strengthen the shoulder blade muscles by squeezing your shoulder blades together.

3. Backward Arm Circles: Rotate your arms backward in circular motions to enhance flexibility and range of motion.

4. Forward Arm Circles: Similar to backward arm circles, rotate your arms forward to further improve mobility.

5. W Exercise: Create a "W" shape with your arms by bringing your elbows up and out to the sides, then lowering them down.

6. Back Climb: Imagine climbing a ladder backward by raising your arms one at a time, gradually increasing the range of motion.

7. Hands Behind Neck: Reach behind your head with both hands, gently stretching your shoulder and arm muscles.

8. Side Wall Crawls: Place your hand on a wall and crawl your fingers up and down, promoting shoulder mobility.

9. Forward Wall Crawls: Similar to side wall crawls, crawl your fingers forward on the wall to enhance range of motion.

10. Scar Massage: Gently massage the surgical scar to promote blood flow and tissue softening. Consult your healthcare professional for proper technique.

Managing Swelling:
In addition to exercises, managing swelling is crucial. Consider the following approaches:

1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): Seek specialized physiotherapy techniques to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling.

2. Elevation: Raise your arm to the side for about 20 minutes multiple times a day to aid in reducing swelling.

Exercises play a vital role in the recovery process after mastectomy or breast reconstruction. Arunalaya Advanced Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Patel Nagar, Delhi, provides specialized rehabilitation programs to help individuals regain shoulder and arm movement, improve functionality, and enhance their quality of life. By following a tailored exercise regimen and seeking professional guidance, you can optimize your recovery and regain confidence in performing daily activities. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your rehabilitation journey.

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