Physio Psoriasis


It is an autoimmune disease which causes cells to develop rapidly on the skin. The overgrowth
an lead to thick, scaly plaques which causes itch and discomfort.
Parts of the body which are affected by psoriasis are
1) elbows and knees
2) face, scalp
3) genitals
4) low back
5) arms, palms and feet
Types of psoriasis
80 to 90% of the psoriasis type is plaque psoriasis. Other types are
1) inverse psoriasis- this appears in skin fold. It looks like thin pink plaques without scales.
2) guttate psoriasis – it may appears after sore throat as it is caused by streptococcal infection.
It looks like small, red drop shaped scaly spots.
3)pustular psoriasis- has small, pus filled bumps on top of the red patches.
4) sebopsoriasis- appears on the face and scalp as red bumps and plaques with greasy yellow
Note- psoriasis is most common in winter , when people gets less sunlight. And male gender are
most prone. The rash is not contagious . You can’t get it from affected ones. Psoriasis has no
Risk factors1) family history- psoriasis can run in genes. If one of the parent is carrier then 50% of the
chances are there that one of the child will have psoriatic symptoms .
2) stress- excessive stress can hamper your immune system, increased level of stress can
become the cause of this disease
3) smoking- smoking will play a vital role in the initial development and will deteriorate the
Complications of psoriasis
1) eye conditions such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
2) hypertension
3) depression
4) cardiovascular disease
5) type 2 diabetes
6) psoriatic arthritis
7) chron’s disease, celiac disease, scelerosis, inflammatory bowel disease
Main aim of the treatment is to reduce the growth of the cells and releive symptoms like itching,
dry skin. Common treatment includes
1) steroid creams
2) moisturizer for dry skin, aloevera gel.
3) retinoid creams, vit d based creams, coal tar.
For severe psoriasis treatment includes
Light therapy which includes ultraviolet light on the skin. PUVA is a treatment includes psoralens
tablet with ultraviolet rays.
Psoralen tablets should be taken 2 hours before sunlight exposure. Psoralen Mgs will be
dependable on patient’s weight and age.
10mg for less than 30 kg
20mg for 30 to 50 kg
30mg for 51 to 65kg
40mg for 66 to 80kg
50mg for 81 to 90kg
60mg for 91 to 115kg
70mg for more than 115kg


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