Traumatic Extensor Hood Rupture

Traumatic Extensor Hood Rupture

| Traumatic Extensor H
What is Traumatic Extensor Hood Rupture ?

The extensor hood is a structure that surrounds the top of the finger joints and is responsible for straightening the fingers. A traumatic extensor hood rupture occurs when there is a tear or complete rupture of the extensor hood as a result of a traumatic injury to the hand or fingers.


This type of injury can occur due to various causes, including:

  1. Direct trauma: A blow to the hand or fingers can cause the extensor hood to rupture.

  2. Repetitive stress: Repetitive gripping or squeezing motions can cause wear and tear on the extensor hood, leading to a rupture over time.

  3. Degenerative changes: Age-related changes can weaken the extensor hood and make it more prone to rupture.


Symptoms of a traumatic extensor hood rupture may include pain, swelling, and difficulty straightening the affected finger(s). In severe cases, the finger may droop and appear bent.


Treatment for a traumatic extensor hood rupture may involve:

  1. Immobilization: Immobilizing the affected finger with a splint or brace can help to prevent further damage and allow the extensor hood to heal. The splint or brace may need to be worn for several weeks or months.

  2. Physical therapy: Specific exercises can help to improve range of motion and strength in the affected finger(s) after the extensor hood has healed.

  3. Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the extensor hood and restore function to the affected finger(s).

  4. Pain management: Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers may be recommended to manage pain and discomfort associated with the injury.

The specific treatment plan will depend on the severity of the injury and the individual's unique situation. It is important to seek prompt medical attention for a traumatic extensor hood rupture to prevent further damage and ensure proper healing.

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