Lower crossed syndrome

Lower crossed syndrome

| Lower crossed syndro
What is Lower crossed syndrome ?

Lower crossed syndrome (LCS) is a postural imbalance that affects the muscles of the hip, pelvis, and lower back. It is characterized by weak and tight muscles in the lower back, hip flexors, and hip extensors.

The name "lower crossed" refers to the pattern of muscle imbalances that occur in the lower part of the body. In LCS, the muscles that cross each other at the lower back and hips are imbalanced, leading to a characteristic posture.


Some common causes of LCS include prolonged sitting, poor posture, and lack of exercise. Symptoms of LCS can include lower back pain, hip pain, tightness in the hip flexors, and reduced range of motion in the hips.


Treatment for LCS typically involves a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as postural correction techniques. A physical therapist or other healthcare professional can help develop a personalized treatment plan to address the specific muscle imbalances causing LCS.

It's important to address LCS as early as possible, as it can lead to chronic pain and other complications if left untreated. By addressing the underlying muscle imbalances and adopting healthy habits, individuals with LCS can improve their posture, reduce pain, and prevent future injuries.

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