Elbow varus stress

Elbow varus stress

| Elbow varus stress
What is Elbow valgus stress ?

Elbow valgus stress is a medical term that describes the movement of the elbow joint when an external force is applied to the inside of the forearm, causing the elbow to bend and the forearm to move away from the body. This stress is commonly seen in throwing sports such as baseball, tennis, and volleyball, where repeated and forceful throwing motions can cause injury to the elbow joint.


CAUSES Elbow valgus stress is a common condition in which the elbow joint is subjected to excessive sideways force, causing the joint to move beyond its normal range of motion. The most common causes of elbow valgus stress include:

  1. Repetitive throwing or overhead motions: Elbow valgus stress is commonly seen in athletes who participate in sports that require repetitive throwing or overhead motions, such as baseball, softball, tennis, and volleyball.
  2. Poor technique: Poor technique during throwing or other overhead motions can cause excessive stress on the elbow joint and increase the risk of elbow valgus stress.
  3. Muscle imbalances: Muscle imbalances can cause uneven forces on the elbow joint, leading to increased stress on the joint and an increased risk of elbow valgus stress.
  4. Inadequate warm-up: Inadequate warm-up before exercise or sports can cause the muscles and tendons around the elbow joint to be less flexible and more prone to injury.

Physiotherapy can play a crucial role in the management and treatment of elbow valgus stress. A physiotherapist can help patients recover from elbow valgus stress by:

  1. Pain management: Physiotherapists can use various techniques such as ice or heat therapy, massage, and electrical stimulation to reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area.
  2. Exercise prescription: Physiotherapists can design an exercise program tailored to the individual needs of the patient, aimed at improving strength, flexibility, and range of motion around the elbow joint. These exercises can help reduce the risk of re-injury and improve functional ability.
  3. Manual therapy: Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility.
  4. Education: Physiotherapists can educate patients about proper techniques for throwing or overhead motions to reduce the risk of elbow valgus stress. They can also advise patients on proper warm-up and cool-down routines and provide information on ways to avoid activities that may aggravate the condition.
  5. Bracing: In some cases, physiotherapists may recommend the use of a brace to provide support to the affected area and reduce stress on the elbow joint.


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