
ITBS results from a variety of possible reasons.

  • Improper training
  • Wrong /ill fit footwear
  • Overpronation during stance phase of gait
  • Abnormal pelvis tilting
  • Bowed legs
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Other causes of a tight IT band include:
    • tight or weak hip, gluteal, or abdominal muscles 
    • muscle weakness, imbalance, or inflexibility 
    • extended periods of sitting, especially with bent knees 
    • knee arthritis 
    • using poor form or technique when exercising
    • working out without warming up and cooling down


    Note:- Whatever the cause, if you are experiencing pain while running, it is first important to stop activity to avoid further injury to the area. 



  • Sit on the ground and place your right leg in front of you at a 90-degree angle in external rotation.
  • Your knee and ankle should have contact with the ground and your right shoulder should be aligned with your knee.
  • Use your right hand for support to remain upright.
  • Place your left leg behind you, internally rotated, at a 90-degree angle.

To check your alignment, raise your left arm. The shoulder and arm should run parallel with the thigh and the knee, and your ankle should be in line with your knee.

Forward Position

  • Sit upright with good posture (i.e., core engaged, shoulders back and down). Your knees and ankles should maintain contact with the ground. 
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: For those with particularly tight hips, this position may be a stretch all on its own.
  • Maintaining an upright position, gently lean forward and hover over the shin. Only go as far as you can without losing position. Do NOT simply fold over. 



Backward Position

  • To work on the internal rotation, lean backwards gently, rotating through the hip rather than the spine. 
  • Try to reach your previously free hand to the ground for support. If you cannot reach the ground, then use a yoga block or something stable for support.

3.Pigeon Stretch

The “Pigeon Stretch” is also referred to as “The Runner’s Stretch” because it releases tightness and tension in the hips and glutes that occur from running.


  • Begin on your hands and knees, and then bring your right leg out in between your hands in a lunge position.
  • Once in a lunge, heel-toe your foot to the left hand and then drop your right foot and knee to the ground. Position your foot between your left hip or left armpit, depending on your level of flexibility. 
  • Place both hands in front of you for support and then look over your left shoulder to ensure that your left leg straight and is in line with your left hip.
  • Maintain this position for 30-seconds to 1:00 before switching to the opposite side. 
  • NOTE: You may lower yourself onto your elbows or even to the ground to deepen the stretch. 
  • While stretching is an important part of injury prevention and the recovery process, it is equally important to perform strengthening exercises.

4.Cross-ankle standing forward bend

  • Stand with your right ankle crossed in front of your left, bending your knees slightly. 
  • Hinge your hips to fold forward, placing your hands on the floor or a block. 
  • Press your right leg back and your left leg forward. 
  • Hold for 20 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Then do the opposite side. 
  • Repeat 2 to 3 times. 
3 exercises to strengthen your IT Band

1.Side Lying Hip Abduction

 The Side Lying Hip Abduction is a great way to strengthen your gluteus medius. This muscle group helps stabilize your pelvis, which keeps the knee from moving inward and the foot from overpronating. As a result, the gluteus medius can help absorb impact and reduce stress on your legs and feet. 


  • Lie on your side with your hips stacked upon each other. Your top leg should be straight and your bottom leg and arm bent for support underneath. 
  • Lift your top leg to just beyond hip level (about eight inches) and hold for five seconds before lowering the leg.
  • Complete this exercise two sets with ten repetitions on each leg. 


NOTE: When performing this exercise, be careful of allowing your hips to rotate forward or backward so that your body remains in alignment. 

2.Lateral Band Walks

  • Another exercise that works the glutes and is particularly effective in working the gluteus medius.
  • Place a band aground your ankles and stand with your feet hip-width apart.

NOTE: The front of your shoulders should line up with your toes. Avoid letting your knees line with the toes or go beyond them. 

  • Take a small step right with your right foot.
  • Meet your left foot with your right before stepping out again hips-width apart. 
  • Repeat this motion for ten steps before changing direction and completing this movement on the opposite side.
  • Complete ten reps per side, three times.   


  • The Bridge is an exercise that improves overall core strength and is a great alternative to planks. 
  • Lie your back in a neutral position with your feet planted on the floor. 
  • Tighten your abdominals and lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. 
  • Hold this position for 10-seconds before lowering your hips to the ground.
  • Relax and then repeat three times

A foam roller may be an OK option if you have mild tightness in your IT band area.

  • Before you foam roll your IT band, roll out your glutes, hips, and quadriceps. Then do your hamstrings and calves. 
  • Here are a few tips for using a foam roller correctly:
  1. Use gentle pressure.
  2. Choose a soft-surface foam roller. 
  3. Use your other body parts to support your body weight. 
  4. Go slowly.
  5. Roll over a small area at one time. 
  6. Use a mat for cushioning. 
  7. Avoid any areas that don’t roll smoothly.
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