• damage to the patellar cartilage. Situations where this is more likely include the following:
  • Overuse of the knee, such as in certain sports.
  • alignment of the knee. This may cause the patella to rub on, rather than glide over, the lower femur.
  • due to an imbalance in the muscles around the knee
  • A combination of an alignment problem (as above) and overuse with sports, may be the most common reason for developing chondromalacia patellae.

    Injury to the knee

  • In older people it may develop as part of the ageing process where there is wear and tear of cartilage in many joints.

  • Pain in the knee(front of the knee)
  • A grating or grinding feeling or noise when the knee moves (crepitus).
  • Rarely, some fluid swelling (effusion) of the knee joint.

Treatment for chondromalacia patella includes strengthening the supporting muscles around the knee and hip joints without increasing pressure on the kneecap.

Also, specific exercises may help to correct problems with alignment and muscle balance around the knee.

Open chain exercises that allow the leg to move freely are often used in the beginning of rehabilitation rather than closed chain exercises, 

 Avoid strenuous use of the knee - until the pain eases. Symptoms usually improve in time if the knee is not overused.

  • minimizes weight-bearing in the knees in order to decrease irritation at the kneecap


  • Straight leg raises help strengthen the hip flexor and quadriceps muscles to lift the leg while stabilizing the knee. 

Side lying leg raise.

  • Side lying leg raises help to strengthen your gluteus medius while stabilizing the knee.                                                SEMI SQUAT

    Taping of the kneecap (patella) – 

    • is a possible treatment which can reduce pain. Adhesive tape is applied over the patella, to alter the alignment or the way the patella moves.
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