

| Shoulder(arthroscopy
What is Shoulder(arthroscopy) ?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat shoulder problems. It involves using a tiny camera, called an arthroscope, which is inserted through a small incision in the shoulder joint. The camera provides a clear view of the inside of the joint, allowing the surgeon to see any damage or abnormalities.


Some of the common causes of shoulder arthroscopy include:

  1. Rotator cuff tear: This is a common cause of shoulder pain and weakness, especially among athletes and people who engage in activities that require repetitive overhead movements.

  2. Shoulder impingement syndrome: This occurs when the tendons and bursa in the shoulder joint become compressed, leading to pain and limited range of motion.

  3. Frozen shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, this condition is characterized by stiffness and limited movement of the shoulder joint.

  4. Shoulder instability: This is a condition in which the shoulder joint is prone to dislocation or subluxation, which can cause pain, weakness, and instability.


Here are some common treatments for shoulder problems:

  1. Non-surgical treatments: These can include rest, ice, physical therapy, medication, and corticosteroid injections. Non-surgical treatments are often the first line of treatment for many shoulder problems.

  2. Shoulder arthroscopy: This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat a wide range of shoulder problems. During the procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions in the shoulder and inserts a small camera and surgical instruments to repair or remove damaged tissue.

  3. Open surgery: For some shoulder problems, open surgery may be necessary. This involves making a larger incision in the shoulder to access the affected area.

  4. Joint replacement surgery: This is a procedure where the damaged joint is removed and replaced with an artificial joint.

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