• Car accidents
  • Assault/ trauma
  • Bungee jumping
  • Rollercoaster
  • Football
  • Falls while skiing
  • High-impact activities
  1. Pain (mild to pins-and-needles tingling to excruciating.)
  2. stiffness of the neck 
  3. Reduced ROM
  4. Worsening of the pain and movement of the neck
  5. Headaches 
  6. Pain and tenderness of the shoulder, Upper-back or arms
  7. Fatigue and dizziness
  8. Blurred vision
  9. Insomnia due to the pain
  10. Difficulty concentrating 

The treatment is divided into two sections: medications and physical therapy in order to relieve your pain and restore the normal motion of your head and neck 


Passive physical therapy

  • Ultrasound
  • massage therapy 
  • electrotherapy, applying heat and ice are forms of passive therapy in which your can rest as the therapist or equipment does majority of the work.

Manual therapy

  • Deep Tissue Massage: This technique targets muscle tension that can develop as a result of whiplash. The therapist uses direct pressure and friction to try to release the tension in your soft tissues

Manual therapy always focus on the following:-

  • Joint dysfunction
  • Muscle dysfunction
  • Faulty movement patterns
  • Disc derangement

 2. Active physical therapy

 Physiotherapist’s will prescribe stretches and exercises to reduce pain in the affected muscles, strengthen the overall area, and keep a good blood circulation in order to restore normal motion of the neck

  • Chin tucks:
    Purpose: to stretch the muscles in the cervical spine. It could be performed in a lying position or a seated position.

How to be performed in a seated position?

  • Sit in the correct sitting posture
  • Look forward, move your head backward so your chin is tucked down while nothing beneath your head should move. 
  • Hold for 5 seconds
  • Repeat it 10 times

Side to side head rotation:

  • Purpose: to decrease tightness and increase the mobility of the neck

Side bending:

  • Purpose: to decrease tightness and increase the mobility of the neck. 

Scapular stabilization exercise:

  • Purpose: to relief the neck pain
  • Stand with your arms hanging at your side, your head facing straight ahead, and your shoulders relaxed 
    B. Move your shoulders gently backward and pull your shoulder blades into a down and back position. Your chest should protrude forward slightly while making this motion 
    C. Hold for 10 seconds 


Purpose: for strengthening the muscles of the neck, upper back.  

Levator scapular stretch: 

Purpose: Stretching the levator scapulae, which is often the big knot in your upper back

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