Groin strain

Groin strain

| Groin strain
What is Groin strain ?

Groin strain, also known as a pulled groin muscle, is a common injury that occurs when the muscles in the groin area become stretched or torn due to excessive force or overuse. The groin muscles, or adductor muscles, are located in the inner thigh and are responsible for pulling the legs together and stabilizing the hips during movement.


Groin strains are often caused by activities that involve sudden changes of direction or twisting movements, such as sports like soccer, hockey, and basketball. They can also be caused by overuse or repetitive strain, such as long-distance running or cycling.


The symptoms of a groin strain typically include pain, tenderness, and swelling in the groin area, as well as weakness or difficulty moving the leg. In more severe cases, a popping or tearing sensation may be felt at the time of the injury.


Treatment for a groin strain usually involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce pain and swelling, as well as physical therapy exercises to improve flexibility and strength in the groin muscles. Pain relief medications and sometimes corticosteroid injections may also be used to reduce inflammation. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair any torn muscles or tendons.


Prevention of groin strains involves proper warm-up and stretching before engaging in activities that involve the groin muscles, as well as gradually increasing the intensity and duration of exercise to prevent overuse injuries. Wearing proper equipment and taking breaks during activities can also reduce the risk of injury.

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