Cervicobrachial Syndrome

Cervicobrachial Syndrome

| Cervicobrachial Synd
Sign and symptoms
  • Active movements of cervical spine (extension, lateral flexion to either side and ipsilateral rotations) and arm movements reproducing pain.
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Symptom reproduction on passive movements.
  • in terms of range of movement and reproduction of symptoms
  • Tenderness at transverse processes of cervical spine (nerve roots), nerve trunks of median, ulnar and radial nerves at different anatomical locations in the course of respective neural tissue.
  • Tender-point
  • +ve spurling test

Manual physical therapy is a part of a conservative treatment, which is effective in managing pain joint restrictions and disability, certainly if this is combined with therapeutic exercises. 

  1. Education and advice
  2. Manual Therapy –
  • PAIVMs (Passive Assessory Intervertebral Movements)
  • PPIVMs (Passive Physiological Intervertebral Movements)
  • NAGs (Natural Apophyseal Glides)
  • SNAGs (Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides)
  1. Exercise Therapy - AROM, stretching and strengthening
  2. Postural re-education
  3. Mechanical traction
  4. Manual traction
  5. MET Muscle Energy Technique
  6. EXERCISE THERAPY :- has the most positive and lasting effects for the condition.

This treatment approach focuses on :-

  • passive mobilization of mechanically sensitized neural tissue structures with a primary objective
  • restoring appropriate neurodynamics.
  • cervicobrachial pain utilizing
  • strength and motor control training in cervical region.


what is cervicobrachial syndrome ?

The cervicobrachial syndrome stems from the irritation of the cervicobrachial nerve.

  • The roots of this nerve are located at the top of the spine—->in the cervical area—-> Pain can be felt in —-> large area:-
  • From clavicula ——> to the top of the chest ——> back——> into the arm——> up to your hands.
  • As for the other neuralgias, in addition to pain one can feel
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • swelling as well.

The most common causes are

  • cervical arthrosis
  • herniated discs at the cervical level.
  • facet joints,
  • upper quarter muscular imbalances
  • associated trigger or tender points
  • inflamed neural tissues
  • Poor posture or lengthy periods with the neck at an awkward angle, such as when sleeping or working at a desk.
  • Injuries that involve a sudden neck movement, such as whiplash from a car crash or an impact sport.
  • Long-term stress that causes clenching of neck and shoulder muscles, leading to a strain on the neck.
  • Bone conditions,arthritis or osteoporosis. As these conditions are more common in older people, age is a risk factor for cervicalgia.
  • Diseases or conditions that affect the spine, such as spinal infections or meningitis
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