Diabetes is a chronic condition associated with abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. When our body is unable to produce sufficient insulin to absorb the glucose, or there is inability to utilize the insulin properly will cause diabetes. It is also known as sweet urine, as the elevated levels of blood glucose levels causes the glucose to come the urine and thus can damage the vital organs.
In the diabetic patients, there is disturbance in the absorption of blood glucose either due, to insufficient release of insulin or due to lack of proper mechanism of insulin combination of glucose and insulin, which causes hyperglycemia.
Diabetes are of two major types, types 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Other types of diabetes
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
1 As there is requirement of exogenous insulin to regulate theblood sugar levels.2 If the blood sugar levels are elevated, there is increased urineglucose, which leads to excessive loss of fluid and electrolytesin the urine.3 There is breakdown of existing fat and protein stores due tolack of insulin.4 Ketosis and release of ketones will happen as a result.
5 The blood turns acidic due to ketones which is called diabeticketoacidosis (DKA).6 Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA):7 Nausea8 Vomiting9 Abdominal pain10 The patient can go into shock, coma and even death if there isno prompt medical treatment given.Other complications11 Diabetic Retinopathy12 Cataracts13 Glaucoma14 Diabetic Nephropathy15 Protein in the urine16 Diabetic Neuropathy17 Nausea18 Weight loss19 Diarrhea20 Gastroparesis